Saturday, November 19, 2011


 After nine years the war is finally over. Congress just signed the Treaty of Paris, which officially gives America its independence, and kicks the redcoats out. Also another treaty has been signed to give Florida back to the Spanish. However, we did lose General George Washington from the Army. But all is well in America!

<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.
<Revolutionary War Timeline.Timeline of the Revolutionary War,1995.Web.Wed,18,2011.


 Hurrah! Congress has officially agreed to ratify the Preliminary Articles of Peace, which will stop the fighting. It will also make the British help pay for the war debt, including destroyed property.
<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.


 Its a little late, but i got word that the British Prime Minister, Lord North, has officially resigned from office. And    the britts are pulling out of South Carolina, and Georgia. This war is really almost over.
<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.
<Revolutionary War Timeline.Timeline of the Revolutionary War,1995.Web.Wed,18,2011.


 I just got news that Ben Franklin has been in England arguing for American independence. And though in the beginning the britts wanted some, but limited power in our government they finally seattled on something they both agreed on. Peace. They signed an informal treaty, the Preliminary Articles of Peace, to cease the war. So I guess this war is finally about over.

<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.
<Revolutionary War Timeline.Timeline of the Revolutionary War,1995.Web.Wed,18,2011.


 Did you hear? General George Washington has defeated the britts at Yorktown. His troops joined forces with about 4,000 french troops to destroy Cornwallis' army. The Continental Army combined with the French Army defeated the redcoats and took over 8,000 prisoners.

<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.


 This cant be good the British currently have control of New York, Philadelphia, and they have control of most all the southern colonies. And to make things worse, in case you haven't heard, Benedict Arnold has committed treason against this new country and joined the britts.

<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.


 I've been hearing a lot about this Francis Marion fellow and his new tactics, and they appear to be working. He uses guerrilla warfare, which means he attacks in small swift skirmishes then flees back to a headquarters. Because we have so few men to spare we all ought to use this strategy. It e inflicts maximum damage with less American casualties.

<William Deverell, Deborah Grey White."United States History Beginnings to 1877".2002.Wed, 18, 2011.